Wednesday 20 th November 2013

The most common symptoms are bloating and gas, tummy aches, and eventually, in the acute cases, diarrhea or constipation, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
There is a respiratory test for diagnose of this intolerance, here you can find more information.
If the result is positive, then it would be needed to avoid all the fructose-rich food: fruits, some vegetables, grains and sugars. In any case, the sensitivity is different for every person, and it can change depending on the days: stress, fatigue, etc.
Fructose intolerance use to be together with lactose and sucrose intolerance. So it’s better to test for these intolerances too when there’s a known fructose intolerance.
Wednesday 6 th November 2013

You can try to find another way of cooking them that taste better for them: baking in the oven, boiling, steaming, grilling, frying, etc. Although steaming is, of course, the healthier way, it’s more important at the beginning to succeed make them eat the vegetable. Some time later, you can try cooking them in more healthier way.
Also, you can try different kinds of textures and presentations: puree, soup, small bits, grated, sticks, etc. Often, vegetable juice is well accepted if mixed with some fruit. You can begin with a juice made of carrot and apple.
Saturday 16 th March 2013

1.- Soak them in four parts water to one part legume with a pinch of salt and some drops of lemon juice. Change the water once or twice. Lentils require 12 hours soaking, chick peas and beans need 24 hours.
2.- Cook slowly in water for 15-20 minutes for lentils or 1 hour for chick peas and beans.
3.- Add herbs or vegetables with digestive properties: two sage leaves or some slices of fresh fennel during the cooking.
4.- The skin of the legumes is the most indigestible part. It’s better to remove it after the cooking of the chick peas and beans.
5.- Salt must be added at the end.
The association of pulses with a cereal gives a complete protein source.
Saturday 5 th January 2013