Sunday 29 th November 2015
Guacamole is a Mexican dip or sauce that use to garnish dishes like burritos, tacos, enchiladas, tortillas, etc. But you may use it to any kind of dish like salad, potatoes, pasta, toasts, meat, fish, or any dish you want.
The basic ingredient is avocado, but it’s possible to add a large number of different ingredients: tomato, and lemon juice are the main ones, but also you can add onion, chile, pepper, oil, garlic, persil, olives, or any ingredient you like.
It's a delicious dish, very easy to prepare and full of nutrients, thanks to the multiple virtues of avocado.
gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nuts-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet, raw, vegan
Basic ingredients
3 avocados
1/2 tomato
juice of 1/3 lemon
Optional ingredients
1/2 onion, 1 chile, pepper, oil, garlic, persil, spices, olives, ….
Cut the tomato into small pieces, and the other desired ingredients: onion, garlic, persil, etc.
Mash avocado with a fork and mix. Add lemon juice and mix with the other ingredients.
Serve with the desired dish: salad, potatoes, prawns, …
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