Sunday 13 th May 2018
These tarts are made without any kind of flour. An apple is used for the tart base or crust, in which a filling that could be fruit puré or chocolate or whatever one wishes can be filled with; and on top there is fruit like strawberries, blueberries or raspberries.
Wednesday 20 th December 2017
In the winter, warm food is more appetising. It is harder to bring oneself to eat fruit, which tends to be cold, and less appetising at this time of year. Although the ideal situation is to eat fruit in its natural form (baked fruit loses some nutrients), it is possible to bake different fruits in the oven to continue benefitting from fruits while staying warm on a cold winter day.
Wednesday 21 st June 2017

Gazpacho is a very refreshing entrée dish that is traditionally eaten in the summer in Spain. Gazpacho is usually made of tomato, onion and cucumber, but in the last years watermelon gazpacho has begun to spread in Spanish restaurants.
You can adapt the ingredients depending on the family preferences: the ratio between tomato and watermelon, avoiding onion if the children doesn’t like it, etc.
Watermelon gives a sweet taste and together with the savoury test of the classical gazpacho creates this sweet and salty delicious taste.
Friday 16 th June 2017
A funny idea to make fruit more attractive for kids is cutting them in funny shapes. For example, you can cut watermelons into hearts; a sweet message of how much you love them!
Saturday 18 th March 2017
When there’s a potato intolerance, one alternative to french fries are carrot and parsnips fries.
Parsnips are not allowed in GAPS diet, so if you follow that diet only carrot fries will be possible.
Here you will find a very easy recipe to enjoy something similar to french fries.