According to studies, people who have a dog have a longer presumed life span of 10 years (1).
The exercise done thanks to the necessary daily walks, the unconditional love, the company, the fidelity and the protection that a dog offers you; and the love that a dog portrays in their owner, these are all factors that spectacularly improve someone’s health. Additionally, there exists dogs trained for people with disabilities and for kids with a development disorder.
We have recently adopted a dog. She is a Labrador, a breed that is very strong, energetic and intelligent; and very sweet and affectionate. They need a lot of exercise and offer a lot of love.
The positive effects in our family’s health have already begun to be noticeable.
My daughter is responsible for walking her when she comes back from school and in the week-ends; so now the time that she spends in front of her computer has decreased, and has increased the amount of time that she spends outside; evidently, walking the dog.
My husband and I also walk her daily, we have substantially increased the amount of daily physical exercise. In my case, this helps me with being able to better tolerate certain foods and to have better quality of sleep.
Like mentioned before in this previous article, increasing the energy of the body thanks to many different factors, such as physical exercise or the sun, affects the energy used in digestion, improving the capacity of tolerating different foods. The physical exercise also helps fall asleep faster and to enjoy a deeper sleep.
In addition, if the owner suffers from some kind of psychological disorder, such as a depression, a bipolar disorder or a obsessive compulsive disorder, having a dog can be the best kind of therapy. In my case, my obsession with cleaning the house has greatly disappeared. The truth is that it is impossible to maintain a house with a garden impeccably when you have a dog, and the love for the dog will overpowered the need to have an immaculate house.
And for hyperactive, autistic and disabled kids, a dog can be a great help in their situation. In these cases it is preferable to have an assistance dog trained to accompany these kind of kids. In this article is mentioned that these dogs "They act as motivators and reinforcers of behaviours, as well as catalysts of emotions, their socialising effects are very effective, and encourage, among other things, the increase of social skills; the attention; concentration; the communication; and self-esteem. “
In the words of David R.Hawkins (1): “The more we love, the more we can love. Love is limitless. Love begets love. this is why psychiatrists recommend having a pet. A dog, for example, brings love and expands love in the heart of the owner. Love prolongs life. In fact, research documents that having a dog extends the owner’s life by ten years! Just think of all the bizarre exercises, diets, and other regimens that people go through to add relatively small amounts of time on to their life, when they can simply get a dog and add ten years! Love has a powerful anabolic effect. Love increases endorphins, which are life-enhancing hormones. You live ten years longer with a dog in your life because a dog catalyses the energy of love, and that energy of love heals and prolongs life.”
Having a dog is an experience that I recommend to all families and it suits people of all ages!
“Letting go. The pathway of surrender”, David R. Hawkins (p.177):
The positive effects in our family’s health have already begun to be noticeable.
My daughter is responsible for walking her when she comes back from school and in the week-ends; so now the time that she spends in front of her computer has decreased, and has increased the amount of time that she spends outside; evidently, walking the dog.
My husband and I also walk her daily, we have substantially increased the amount of daily physical exercise. In my case, this helps me with being able to better tolerate certain foods and to have better quality of sleep.
Like mentioned before in this previous article, increasing the energy of the body thanks to many different factors, such as physical exercise or the sun, affects the energy used in digestion, improving the capacity of tolerating different foods. The physical exercise also helps fall asleep faster and to enjoy a deeper sleep.
In addition, if the owner suffers from some kind of psychological disorder, such as a depression, a bipolar disorder or a obsessive compulsive disorder, having a dog can be the best kind of therapy. In my case, my obsession with cleaning the house has greatly disappeared. The truth is that it is impossible to maintain a house with a garden impeccably when you have a dog, and the love for the dog will overpowered the need to have an immaculate house.
And for hyperactive, autistic and disabled kids, a dog can be a great help in their situation. In these cases it is preferable to have an assistance dog trained to accompany these kind of kids. In this article is mentioned that these dogs "They act as motivators and reinforcers of behaviours, as well as catalysts of emotions, their socialising effects are very effective, and encourage, among other things, the increase of social skills; the attention; concentration; the communication; and self-esteem. “
In the words of David R.Hawkins (1): “The more we love, the more we can love. Love is limitless. Love begets love. this is why psychiatrists recommend having a pet. A dog, for example, brings love and expands love in the heart of the owner. Love prolongs life. In fact, research documents that having a dog extends the owner’s life by ten years! Just think of all the bizarre exercises, diets, and other regimens that people go through to add relatively small amounts of time on to their life, when they can simply get a dog and add ten years! Love has a powerful anabolic effect. Love increases endorphins, which are life-enhancing hormones. You live ten years longer with a dog in your life because a dog catalyses the energy of love, and that energy of love heals and prolongs life.”
Having a dog is an experience that I recommend to all families and it suits people of all ages!
“Letting go. The pathway of surrender”, David R. Hawkins (p.177):
Gemma Calzada (EN)
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