If the person never drinks alcohol, how is it possible that they show characteristics of an alcoholic person?
The answer is: a yeast-like fungus infection or intestinal candidiasis. In this article we are going to explore the topic of yeast overgrowth: testing, causes, consequences and treatments.
Candida is a kind of yeast that can develop in different parts of the body, for example, the mouth, vagina and the intestine, when adequate conditions are present: over abundance of sweet food, acid pH, warmth and humidity.
The original source of a vaginal and oral mycosis is the intestine. The yeasts first develop in the intestin and later they can migrate to different parts of the body. The candidiasis can even be found in the blood. This is because of a food intolerance, that is caused by an insufficiency of the production of amylase enzymes in the saliva and pancreas, and/or maltase, lactase and sucrose in the intestine. Many other causes exist, for example: an inadequate food combination or an excess amount of food consumed that exceeds the capacity of digestion or any other situation that perturbs the good digestion of carbohydrates and sugars (read here for other causes and this other article for the principles of food combinations)
Candida is not the only yeast that can reside in the intestine; saccharomyces and aspergillus can also be found. They all nourish themselves on carbohydrates and sugars. The products of their digestion are CO2, ammoniac, alcohol and 80 different toxic wastes such as tartaric acid, arabinose, etc. It’s an alcoholic fermentation, that is the base of the production of wine and alcoholic drinks.
Out of all the different kinds of alcohol produced by yeasts, the most dangerous one for the brain is acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde gives a long list of toxic effects, such as:
* Gastro-intestinal disturbance: diarrhoea, constipation, gas, stomach ache
* Damage in liver, pancreas, estomac, intestine, etc
* Damage in the central nervous system (brain) and peripheral (nerfs) and its consequences that are psychological disorders, neurological disorders, behavioral disorders, neuropathies, neuralgia, etc.
* Reduced capacity of detoxification of other toxic substances
* Hormonal disorders, premenstrual syndrome
* Auto-immune disorders
Many available pharmacological treatments exist, such as fluconazol, and natural treatments, such as grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil and multiple other essential oils and herbs. But the source is located in the intestinal candidiasis, so it’s mainly this that we need to treat.
All these natural or chemical medications are usually effective in the short term but candidiasis appears again after some time if the source has not been treated properly. It’s the incorrect digestion of carbohydrates and sugars that must be addressed. If you continue nourishing the microorganisms, they will continue to thrive. By identifying the cause of this bad digestion (read here some of them) you will need to act accordingly. For example, if the problem is a stressful situation you will have to find a way to get rid of stress; if the problem is an antibiotic therapy you will need to take probiotics; if the food is inadequate you will need to change your diet, etc.
To confirm that your health problems come from a candidose or a yeast overgrowth, it is possible to have to different clinical tests: blood antibodies, presence of yeasts in stools and urine fungi organic metabolites.
The original source of a vaginal and oral mycosis is the intestine. The yeasts first develop in the intestin and later they can migrate to different parts of the body. The candidiasis can even be found in the blood. This is because of a food intolerance, that is caused by an insufficiency of the production of amylase enzymes in the saliva and pancreas, and/or maltase, lactase and sucrose in the intestine. Many other causes exist, for example: an inadequate food combination or an excess amount of food consumed that exceeds the capacity of digestion or any other situation that perturbs the good digestion of carbohydrates and sugars (read here for other causes and this other article for the principles of food combinations)
Candida is not the only yeast that can reside in the intestine; saccharomyces and aspergillus can also be found. They all nourish themselves on carbohydrates and sugars. The products of their digestion are CO2, ammoniac, alcohol and 80 different toxic wastes such as tartaric acid, arabinose, etc. It’s an alcoholic fermentation, that is the base of the production of wine and alcoholic drinks.
Out of all the different kinds of alcohol produced by yeasts, the most dangerous one for the brain is acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde gives a long list of toxic effects, such as:
* Gastro-intestinal disturbance: diarrhoea, constipation, gas, stomach ache
* Damage in liver, pancreas, estomac, intestine, etc
* Damage in the central nervous system (brain) and peripheral (nerfs) and its consequences that are psychological disorders, neurological disorders, behavioral disorders, neuropathies, neuralgia, etc.
* Reduced capacity of detoxification of other toxic substances
* Hormonal disorders, premenstrual syndrome
* Auto-immune disorders
Many available pharmacological treatments exist, such as fluconazol, and natural treatments, such as grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil and multiple other essential oils and herbs. But the source is located in the intestinal candidiasis, so it’s mainly this that we need to treat.
All these natural or chemical medications are usually effective in the short term but candidiasis appears again after some time if the source has not been treated properly. It’s the incorrect digestion of carbohydrates and sugars that must be addressed. If you continue nourishing the microorganisms, they will continue to thrive. By identifying the cause of this bad digestion (read here some of them) you will need to act accordingly. For example, if the problem is a stressful situation you will have to find a way to get rid of stress; if the problem is an antibiotic therapy you will need to take probiotics; if the food is inadequate you will need to change your diet, etc.
To confirm that your health problems come from a candidose or a yeast overgrowth, it is possible to have to different clinical tests: blood antibodies, presence of yeasts in stools and urine fungi organic metabolites.
Gemma Calzada (EN)
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